We have here Nigel Jennings, together with Cedric, Harold, his mother and aunt.

What we’d like to draw your attention to are the toys at the bottom of this picture! Notice the pedal-car, the steam engine and the Meccano set 🙂

I confess to having played with a pedal-car in my younger days; what was YOUR childhood like?

We thank Nicholas Jennings for this lovely picture.

Aaron Ong sent us this photo and said:

Just want to show you pictures of a model tower crane I made with Meccano.  Those are my kids beside the model.

 The boom of this particular model tower can swivel via a manual hand crank, and the trolley (with the yellow wheels) can traverse (run along the boom).


The hook is a heavy lead hook with quadruple pulley system to engage heavy loads and can be actuated via electric motor with reduction gear, (the red box at the other end of the boom).


While kids these days have loads of virtual fun with their ipads and computers I too had loads of real fun with my meccano, besides honing my engineering skills.”


Thanks Aaron.

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