Something is Going Up in Panglima Lane

By |2014-05-29T17:41:59+08:00May 29th, 2014|Categories: Ipoh Town, Restoration, tourism|Tags: , |

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Some years ago this site held two of the original Panglima Lane homes from 1893. Then one literally fell down into a pile of bricks. Fortunately no one was hurt. Then because the second one was considered dangerous it was also taken down.

For a while it became a sort of recreation site but soon the Lalang took over and it became an eyesore.

Just in the last few days a team of contractors moved in and this is what the site looked like this morning.

From the position of the concrete and reinforcement it looks like a double unit is going up but the big question is what will they look like from the Lane? As this is one of the main attractions of the Ipoh Heritage Trail, have the Town Council insisted on an old style matching facia to blend in with the old homes still there or have they approved some monstrous, faceless structure as they have done so often before?

Time will tell but I know what I would like to see.