More from Ipoh’s ‘Novena Church’…
This is the house that was taken over by the church from the mining company French Tekka on Tambun Road for the original Novena. Designed by my father pre-war. It was demolished and a hotel stands where it once graced Tambun Road.
Such were the words of Ruth Iversen Rollitt (daughter of the famous Danish architech B M Iversen) in a recent email. The above picture was said to be taken sometime in the late 1930s (I’m making a rough guess, say 1938 perhaps?). Those of you who remember this building BEFORE it was demolished, do tell us more 🙂
We’re proud to annouce that we have another picture of this church, courtesy of generous parishioner 🙂
Seems like this picture was taken during the church’s annual Feast Day. Can anyone guess the year?