My Dad Forever.

By |2010-07-03T08:27:17+08:00June 19th, 2010|Categories: ipoh, Memories, People|Tags: , , , , , , , |


Dad, as I kept a lonely vigil beside your hospital bed

Stroking your soft white hair, caressing your fatigued face

Holding your wrinkled hands, never wanting to let you go

I could hear your pale lips murmuring my name softly

My heart bled to see your body so weak and frail

Tears rolling down as I watched you slowly fading away

And memories of us together just came rushing back


When I was just a boisterous little girl of five or six

You took me to ride on the carousel at Jubilee Park

And you cheered me on as I got onto the giant wheel

We went for white man movies together all over town

I ate peanuts on your laps in front of Rex Cinema

Rain or shine you took me to school on your old bicycle

You taught me how to read, write, draw and color


At times you and Mom ate little so that I can eat more

You toiled from day till night without a whimper

Your feet swollen from many hours of standing

Your hands numbed from working without a rest

And back ached from bending over the work table

It was like this all the years until I grew up

By then it put a severe toll on your health


When I finally blossomed into a pretty young lady

We fought over my choices of boyfriends and suitors

Even the best in my eyes is not good enough for you

They were given the boot and shown the door

At last you gave your blessing but very reluctantly

However your heart melted when you held my babies

I saw you embracing them so tenderly, so lovingly


Every morning I brew your favorite thick Chinese tea

I loved the smell of your cheroot and green color hair gel

I watched you put on your white hat and dark glasses

Humming softly your favorite tunes in the bathroom

But roaring in a thunderous voice whenever you speaks

You are a very strict disciplinarian with a heart of gold

Many people feared and avoided you but I knew better


Our endless trips to the hospital together all the years

I am exhausted from arguing with the doctors and nurses

Whether I should let you know about the prostate cancer

They said nothing can be done to stop the metastasis

That you are actually just buying time in this world

I really wanted to spare you from the painful truth

In the end I chose not to tell you, please do forgive me


When Mom suddenly left us without a word years ago

We comforted each other in those sad and lonely days

You only trusted me, and no one else, to take care of you

It is a privilege I valued and cherished very much

On this Father’s Day, I wanted to let you know again

That I am very grateful and proud to be your daughter

I loved you with all my heart and I still missed you badly

Note: Dad in his vintage dark glasses. Can you spot his white cowboy hat?  He was flanked by my two kids whom he adored. Later, Dad passed on from pneumonia when the cancer metastasized to his lung. He was 87.

Happy Father’s Day to all the guys who played a part in bringing us into the world, then slogged to bring us up and finally released us to spread our wings!

“HAPPY FATHER’S DAY” 父亲,我爱您!祝父亲快乐.