Yes, you really never know what you might find to surprise you on our heritage trail. This delight was more than a little surprising just after we passed Concubine Lane at the Treacher Street (Jalam Bijeh Timah) end.



Yes it is, it really is – a water meter right in the middle of the pavement! At first I thought someone had thrown it away, but no it is firmly fixed in position. Thank goodness I saw it otherwise my last night’s  little jaunt into Old Town and its heritage may have turned out differently.

Dare I ask what are the “authorities” doing to produce such a monstrosity?

By the way, speaking of heritage trails, there are now a range of printable Heritage Trail Maps available on ipohWorld’s database, including Ipoh Trail Map 1 in English, Malay and Japanese, Ipoh Trail Map 2, Gopeng Trail Map, Batu Gajah Driving Trail map, Kuala Kangsar Trail. Please use then as that is what they are there for.

But my apologies are in order for we failed to include this water meter in Ipoh Trail Map 1.

Happy Trailing.




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