This is part of a matchbox collection emailed to us by ‘Stex Stev’. Do you remember the Chicago Coffee House? I don’t…perhaps it was gone by the time I was born. Or maybe it changed its name? You tell us 😉 However, as the discussion grew it reached the mystery of a bread also named […]

Truth be told, I have never seen nor met a snake charmer. But I’ve always wondered HOW he makes those reptiles ‘dance’ to his music 😉 Have YOU seen/met a snake charmer?   Since the above photograph was not taken in Ipoh, we have another one – a different snake charmer but this time from […]

Remember him….your friendly neighbourhood Postman? He used to go around on a bicycle with a large brown bag full of mail. Take note of his uniform too! What else do you remember about him? We’d love to read your comments and memories – especially those (like me!) who are more familiar with electronic mail 😉 […]